A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Submitted to Mini Jam 99: Birds (72 hours) - Limitation: Can't Stop Moving

Object of the game

Reach the exit and escape from the Goose’s pursuit! Beware, he is armed…


  • Movement - Arrow keys
  • Pause - Escape
  • Restart - R


Your character can only move a set number of tiles and in one direction per turn, so you’ll have to be smart! Some obstacles influence how far he moves (as well as the player), so you’ll need to use them to your advantage. Here’s what they do:

Walls - stop him dead in his tracks, regardless of how far he’s moved.

Puddles – slow him down, reducing the number of tiles he can move in that turn.

The Goose

The Goose always spawns after a couple turns in a level and immediately starts following your trail. He will do exactly the same moves as you, but he’s quicker! So, he’ll catch up by at least one tile with every move he makes. Don’t let him catch-up; he has that knife in his beak for a reason…

Have fun!


Programming and Development:

Art and Animation:

Level Design:


UI Theme:



Goose_Labyrinth_v1.zip 42 MB
Goose_Labyrinth_mac_v1.zip 57 MB

Install instructions

  1.  Extract zip
  2. Run executable

NOTE: Mac version has not been tested

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